Night Guards

Headaches? Stiff shoulders? Sore jaw? Worn Teeth?

 Clenching & Grinding

Protect your teeth and relieve pain

  • Relieve muscular jaw pain

  • Prevent teeth from wearing

  • Protect against broken teeth

 There are more than 80 recognised sleep disorders, and two of the most common are bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) and snoring.

Bruxism is a habit that affects around 8-10% of the population. It is characterised by grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw that causes tooth wear and breakage, disorders of the jaw (pain and limited movement) and headaches on waking.

Bruxism occurs in both children and adults but is most common in 25-44 year olds.

Bruxism takes place as a response to arousals during sleep indicating that it may be a sign of another sleep disorder. The strongest association has been found between sleep bruxism and obstructive sleep apnoea, a condition that is often accompanied by daytime sleepiness and non-restorative sleep. Sleep apnoea is a medical condition that causes the airway to close completely, preventing snorers from breathing


Beautiful NHS and Private options for Night guards